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Making a comeback - 2024

My last post was in 2020 on this site. I am trying and recall what I wanted to do...create a blog to track my own training, maybe provide some insight for others, have jokes.

What actually transpired since that post was probably the most difficult 24 months of my life! Working around the clock, having a family member with health issues, no time for working out, only to add on feeling of guilt for not writing a blog post, or creating content. Something had to drop, and this was #1. In reality, a lot had to be dropped.

Let's note that time was not completely wasted from a fitness point of view. I managed to run the London marathon, get onto the GB men's basketball over 35's squad, as well as becoming a regular bench warmer for a D3 team.

I hope to write more about the last 2 years here, but that is for another time. This is for the future. I am not in shape, but I plan to be, so lets go through this journey together.

I want to combine my love of Family, Fitness, Basketball and Data all in here. I need to overcome my tendency to start and not finish (maybe something that a lot of people share), so please, join me, don't judge me, as I try and post/update on a regular basis.

My first post will be on a habit tracker I built that is really proving useful. Stay tuned.

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