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Since school, I have always been on the heavy side. Never crazy overweight, but never in shape. Probably like a lot of people. At university, my weight ballooned up on a diet that was predominantly fried chicken and chips.


A subsequent career in investment banking and finance did not help. One day, a colleague turned to me and said "You could never do a triathlon, you are too heavy and out of shape"...


Not one to back down from a challenge, I signed up for the London Triathlon, and through training for it, I found my inner athlete.


Fast forward a few years, and a duathlon, triathlon, tough mudder, 5ks, 10ks and a half iron man later, I find myself a father of 2 wonderful children. A new challenge presents itself. How to get fit(ter) while raising these two...and the DADthlete idea was born.


I will blog the challenge and my progression through weight lifting, marathon training and sleep deprivation avoidance as I go along. It may help some other new pops out there :)

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